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Sunday, July 08, 2007
HELLO. I'm finally back from my aunt's wedding. Had to wake up at 4am on saturday for the drive to KL. At least i slept in the car. Went to walk around in KLCC, although i didn't buy anything. Nothing much there, really. Then went back to the hotel and slept until it was time to get ready. It felt kinda wierd at the wedding dinner, cause i didn't exactly know all my other cousins, cause i met them when i was really small, and most of them went to australia, so i never met them again until yesterday. So it felt wierd. Plus they put all of us cousins together, although there were two french guys there who were actually my 'new' uncle's friend's children. At least they spoke english. So it was basically the two french guys, my 'new' cousin who's also french, and i talking to each other, while the girls kept to themselves most of the time. But maybe i'll get to talk to some of them sometime, through msn or whatever. And yes, my 'new' uncle's french. Cool eh, now i have french cousins. Anyway, i'm too lazy to get the photos onto blogger cause it's being a total asshole. Doesn't matter. I'm so damn tired now, after the 4-hour drive. And i don't know if i should just waste today away, or get my physics file all done up and then try and study or something. Well i guess i have no choice but to do physics. I guess this post ends here, so bye.

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I'm back. And today i decided to change the image on the blog, i don't know why. I'll keep changing it over time. Saves the trouble of getting a new skin when i can change the image. And my comp's working fine after the minor adjustment. Thank goodness. Today was fine, no less uneventful than any other school day. Had english remedial after school, which was a waste of time. Seriously. They gave us a 99-page booklet held together by one damn staple at the top left hand corner. Looked like a budget disguised as 'function'. Haha. Well this is starting to suck cause i have to rush my damn design folio. Thank god i'm more than halfway through. And i'm running out of words, so i guess this is goodbye. Autobots, transform and roll out.

something i know you've seen before.

Monday, July 02, 2007
Yeah im back. After a long time. So i decided to change my blog skin! It was another rather erm, interesting experience as always. I'm happy today cause not only did i change this blog skin, i also changed my comp's ram! yeahh. We'll see what else i can change around here. I haven't exactly been studying, and even though i do, i don't feel like i'm studying as hard as others. And on friday, I WATCHED TRANSFORMERS. Awesome la. I've been telling everyone i could that it's awesome, so whoever reads this, you're included! And if you haven't watched it, don't be a lazy ass and get your lazy ass to the cinema and watch it man. I'm tired now, so i think i will go sleep. Damn, the long weekend is over, but nevermind. BYE.

something i know you've seen before.

Zachary seth.
1.84m :)
saint gabriel's secondary school.
church of st. francis xavier.
black, grey, green, cream.
indie, post-hardcore, bossa nova, jazz, oldies.


marcus lim
phuay hao
rachel thong

May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
July 2007
October 2007