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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
HEY HEY HEY. 3rd day already. Let's see if i can keep this up. Tomorrow's going to bad, cause of all this Mission Day stuff. Goal setting, time management, career guidance, all that plus others. Despite the fact that it'll be a shorter day, it's still going to be like now till 2015 in a few hours of shool. As for me, i guess i may be needing everything else except career guidance, for my only plans currently are for journalism, or perhaps photography. Now think about this, cam whoreing as a profession. That's encouraging. Plus it's going to be on friday too, so it'll be like dragging till 2030. Plus stanleytan said the school has paid a lot for the "team" to come over. Like hell, i'm expecting the justice league to come over, with green lanturn for visual effects. Anyway, who cares, as long as i'm in an air-conditioned environment, i guess i'm okay with being bored to death, or maybe, but hopefully not, freezed to death. Anyway, i guess i'll have to see the suprises in stall for me (like i'm dying here from the suspense). Tomorrow's going to be a long day anyway, school+tuition+church=possible shock and other minor breathing difficulties and maybe other problems. Yeah. So that's it. Peace.

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hey pimps. I am back, for the second consecutive day. Now that's something worth some celebration. YAY YAY YAY. Well, that's why i said some. OKAY. Today was okay i guess. Got exempted from cca cause of my hand. Hope it heals sloooowly but yet hope it heals faster. Wierd eh. Hope i can get more exemptions. And yeah. My friends went to disturb the slightly cuckoo cleaner in school today by calling him 'ah pek', and he got damn pissed. For a moment we were all ready to run away from him. And we nearly hijacked this three-wheel drive-able thingy used to put rubbish on it, but there was no key. And of course, it was a brand new one, or we wouldn't go near it. And today, after all my thinking and shit, and after some GOOD comments by my dnt teacher on what i've chosen to do for the o's, he decides to discredit my idea today. What a biatch. NEVERMIND. I'll go think of other ideas noww. Peace.

something i know you've seen before.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hello there people ! Today's been great cause obviously i've changed my blog skin FINALLY. Was getting quite sick with the old one, about that retarded johnny guy and how he was so pissed on how he couldn't find the Bactine. Yeah. Plus Chinese New Year's coming, so i spring cleaned my blog. And back to business. On saturday we had flag day, which was sooo damn fun. Bought tshirts and a belt and Brendon and i went to ask Linnette for coins. She gave us a whole fucking lot ! Thanks Linette. Also, we went to play pool ! And Phuay Hao actually woke up and came with us. We ate breakfast at Killeney Kopitiam, which was awesommeeee. And we fooled around at Somerset skatepark. And we got rejected by selfish assclowns. Anyway, i'd better go now, so yeah. Peace.

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This was my fate, giving in
To your lips, to your eyes
I should have known
It would come back to haunt me
Crooked smile, the reflection in your eyes
That shows my weakness for
Beautiful mistakes,
Something that I know you've seen before,
I'm not the first
Set the trap, I'm falling for it every time

I can't believe
Everyone knew from the start
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now!
How could I ever trust you?

Take it back to the streets,
I'll start again
I'll never look back,
I'll never look back, back

How do you feel?
I bet you don't feel anything!
Don't have a heart attack
Don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you

Flying high, razor blades make perfect lines,
On just about anything you want
Broken pores spill out, everything you want to say,
It shows my weakness for

Falling in love with
My wallowing despair that shines in black
It consumes me, I'll take it back
I'll build it back to what it was

I can't believe everyone knew from the start
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now!
How could I ever trust you?

Take it back to the streets,
I'll start again
I'll never look back,
I'll never look back, back

How do you feel?
I bet you don't feel anything!
Don't have a heart attack
Don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you

I can't believe everyone knew from the start
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now!
How could I ever trust you?

Cut me out, of your life
Like its nothing, like I'm nothing!
Make believe you can love,
That it's better, that your better!

Part of me is gone
You've taken
You've taken
You've taken
You've taken

Part of me is gone,
You've taken
You've taken
Pieces from me

Take it back to the streets,
I'll start again
I'll never look back,
I'll never look back, back

How do you feel?
I bet you don't feel anything!
Don't have a heart attack
Don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you

You won't stop, you'll never change
You won't stop, you'll never change

something i know you've seen before.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hello ! "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy biiirtthhdaayy to Zachary, Haaapppyyy Biiirttthhddaay tooo meeeee." I'm now sweet sixteen. But this damn Blogger's not letting me upload photos. Well it's okay i guess. I suppose i just wanted to blog today cause it's my birthday. If not i wouldn't have blogged. Haha. Anyway, thats it for today. Peace.

P.S. Thanks Phuay Hao for buying my deck !

something i know you've seen before.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Hey. I'm back. And this time, i didn't take as long as i would have expected. Today, i got a cut, which may just be why i'm blogging right now, to warn you guys of the dangers of a brand new pen knife blade, and the temptation to cut stuff that comes along with the new blade. As for me, i learnt my lesson the hard way. Was cutting something, and the knife slipped. It cut about 8 to 9cm below the wrist, and the cut was deepp enough for me to have a peek at my flesh. They should have invited me to bio classes as a specimen. Anyways, i had to get myself 3 stitches, although the cut and stitching didn't hurt one bit. Now my hand's going to be covered up for a week, and i will most probably be removing the threads on friday. Thank goodness the knife didnt land a little earlier, or i'd be gone for good, never to be seen again. But even if that happened, i doubt many of you would be very much affected. Enough of being morbid though. Some of you may have called me emo and stuff, but i'm not that extreme as to give myself a cheap thrill worth 3 stitches. I'd rather spend a buck on ice-cream and load on a pile of sugar for a sugar rush. None of the events today have also in any way caused me any form of emotional distress. It's not like i've been disfigured to the point that i would retreat to the 'mountains' of Singapore in search of the lifestyle of a crazed recluse, with a diet of insects and grass, or what some may call the 'Trail Mix'. Anyway, i hope you people out there will be more careful in using your penknives. Don't get 3 stitches 3 days away from your birthday, like i did. Peace.

something i know you've seen before.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back. After some time as always. Okay i'll cut the shit. Today was okay, good cause i had two free periods, and went jamming with phuay hao's band, although i can't quite remember what's their band name. Hmm. Haha. My damn ears are ringing. Sucks. I've got a feeling this is gonna be a short post. Nothin to say. Okay. It ends here. Haha. Peace.

something i know you've seen before.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hello everyone. Once again it's been damn bloody long, and i think brendon will know how many days or weeks or how long i haven't blogged. Well i know for sure the last time i blogged was before school reopened. And it's open alright. Actually everything's the same, but i guess i'd rather be in school than stuck at home all the time and complaining like as though the walls have ears. But one thing had to make the first few weeks of school kinda lousy. THE O LEVEL DNT QUESTION PAPER. But it's a pity you won't get to see it. Blogger's fault. Also, a few days ago, we had to decorate our class. We made or drew something with our names on and pin it up on the notice board around the class motto. I made this black and yellow nautical star thingy with letter cutouts from magazines that spelt my name. But it's also a pity you won't get to see it also. Recovering from a flu, but sadly it also spread to some others. Plus, got my pants altered, but my mom HAD to find out, somehow or another. But thank goodness she didn't exactly mind. Well, i guess i have to scram, got HOMEWORK. Damn. Can't wait for all the exams to be over. See you people SOON. Peace.

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hello earthlings. It's been damn long. Happy new year to all of you. The damn holidays are over ! 2 months of holiday seemed so short. And it's o's next year. Shit. I guess that's why i'm blogging now, and i guess you will be seeing less and less of me on this blog, but who gives a shit anyway. Maybe i'll blog once in a while, or maybe i'll just stop altogether. It's a new year, and lots of shit's gonna be heading my way. Same teachers, same faces. Oh. Few days ago, i heard about this song guys used to sing in the army while they marched. this one went,"said the sergant to the corporal, 'how do you do', said the corporal to the sergant, 'i kan ni nah bu'". Thats unique. Well, still getting reading for tomorrow, so i guess i shall see you people soon. I leave in peace.

something i know you've seen before.

Zachary seth.
1.84m :)
saint gabriel's secondary school.
church of st. francis xavier.
black, grey, green, cream.
indie, post-hardcore, bossa nova, jazz, oldies.


marcus lim
phuay hao
rachel thong

May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
July 2007
October 2007