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Saturday, September 30, 2006
I'm back after 5 days. I've been rather lazy to post. DAMN EXAMS ARE COMING AND I'M DAMN SCARED OF GETTING RETAINED. Haha that day i was just bored and i was thinking of my future. So i visited polytechnic websites. And i decided that i'm gonna do MEDIA DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT. HOW COOL IS THAT. Get to work in advertising firms and stuff, maybe do writing. Yea. Haha hope it will turn out well. Yesterday was a normal day. Went to school, and after school, Bolby, Brendon, Gareth, Fairuz and i played a fool. We got this wooden board and tried to break it. All of us tried punching it, except Gareth, who tried to chop it, but it wouldn't break. Instead, we were sort of injured thanks to the board. But in the end, we hit it a few times on the wall, and it finally broke. It was fun. After that, we went to sit down for lunch, where we played doobie doobie doo. IT WAS STUPID. I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY AND KEPT LIFTING THE WRONG FINGERS. Haha but it was a lot of fun. After that, we jaywalked the huge main road and climbed over the railing just to get to the bus stop. That wasn't as fun. Reaching home, i went for tuition and after that, wanted to go to church but was late. But thank goodness Stephanie Tan came on the bus and told me there was a special mass for us for our exams, and i was on time for it ! So i went for mass, and went to sit around in macdonalds for a while before heading home for dinner. As for today, i've only gone for tuition and i'm going to church soon. Yea. And just now, i was just thinking. GROWN UPS ARE SO DAMN BLUR EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN CURRENT EVENTS. Why the faggatron to they keep saying some of us are TRYING to LOOK like Paul Twohill when we were like that EVEN BEFORE THE BUGGER CAME ON TV AND SAID SAOSIN (SAY-O-SIN) AS (SAO-SIN). ARGH. Oh well. Older generation. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Monday, September 25, 2006
I am back. I will cut the shit this time, so here's yesterday and today. Yesterday, i went to church in the morning and later had catechism class. After church was over, my friends and i headed down to macdonalds to waste time and have lunch, and we left at around 2:45. After that, i went home, took a shower, charged my ipod and went for tuition. Tuition was boring. Really boring. After tuition, while on the bus, Bolby called me and asked if we could meet and go home together. So i agreed. Met him at the bus stop opposite Serangoon MRT. And we took 317 back, and stopped at Serangoon Garden Circus. He went to 7/11 to get a slurpee and after that, we went to NTUC cause i needed to buy vegetables for dinner. After that, we walked to chomp chomp, and he bought carrot cake. AND WE PLAYED A REALLY FUN GAME. IT GOES LIKE THIS:

Bolby: Mary.
Me: Had.
Bolby: A.
Me: Little.
Bolby: Lamb.
Me: Little.
Bolby: Lamb.
Me: Little.
Bolby: Lamb.
Me: Mary.
Bolby: Had.
Me: A.
Bolby: Little.
Me: Lamb.
Both of us: HAHAHAHAHA.

HAHA YEA WE PLAYED THAT GAME WITH TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STARS TOO. SO DAMN FUN. That was yesterday. As for today, I woke up early and went for school. School was like school. Lousy. After school, Bolby, Brendon and I went for lunch at the Bak Chor Mee stall. Lunch was nice. And Bolby and I tried the Mary had a little lamb game again. Hahaha. After that, we went home, and after coming home, my parents weren't home so i skated. IM PROGRESSING. THANK GOODNESS. I SWEAT MY DAMN ASS OFF. But it felt good. That was yesterday and today for you. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Thursday, September 21, 2006
This was my fate, giving in
To your lips,
To your eyes
I should have known it would come back to haunt me
Crooked smile, a reflection in your eyes
That shows my weakness for beautiful mistakes

Something that I know you've seen before
I'm not the first
Set the trap, I'm falling for it every time
I can't believe, everyone knew from the start
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now
How could I ever trust you

I'll take it back to the streets
I'll start again
I'll never look back
I'll never look back, back
How do you feel ? I bet you don't feel anything
Don't have a heart attack
Don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you

Flying high, razor blades make perfect lines
On just about anything you want
Broken pores spill out everything you want to say
It shows my weakness for falling in love with
My wallowing despair that shines in black
It consumes me, I'll take it backI
I'll build it back to what it was

I can't believe everyone you told this to
This would come back to haunt me
I can't stand to see you now
How could I ever trust you

I'll Take it back to the streets
I'll start again
I'll never look back
I'll never look back, back
How do you feel ? I bet you don't feel anything
Don't have a heart attack
Don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you

Everyone you promised to
This would come back to haunt me

I can't stand to see you now
How could I ever trust you

Cut me out, of your life
Like its nothing (Like I'm nothing)
Make believe you can love
That it's better, that you're better

Part of me is gone,
You've taken
You've taken
You've taken
You've taken
Part of me is gone,
You've taken
You've taken
Pieces from me

I'll Take it back to the streets
I'll start again
I'll never look back
I'll never look back, back
How do you feel ? I bet you don't feel anything
Don't have a heart attack
Don't have a heart attack
But I won't stop you

You won't stop, you'll never change
You won't stop, you'll never change

something i know you've seen before.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Hello. I'm back. I'm not sure if this is the first time i'm blogging for two days in a row. But who cares. Today was fun. In the morning, there was a fight between this rather senile/disillusioned/i don't know what/screw loose guy who's skinnier and shorter than me,named Kenneth, and this other guy who's bigger in size, Sebastian. Wonder what nickname Brednon will give Kenneth. Kenneth made a big fuss over Sebastian when everyone was seated, and everyone was looking at him and laughing their asses off. Sebastian, who was seated, ignored Kenneth's nagging. When we all stood up to be dismissed, the fight began. Kenneth said," you trying to start a fight with me is it ? fight lar, SISSY." HAHAHAHA. Sebastian punched him. Hard. Kenneth cried. Challenged someone to a fight, and cried after getting punched. Retarded. I think Sebastian got caned. And after that, we had religous moral education, where they asked us to do some survey. They asked how they can improve lessons, so i put down food and drinks. After that, lessons went on as per normal, only that i think i screwed up my POA test. After school was fucking funny. Savin, Bolby, Yong Sheng, Fairuz and i did bad stuff. I won't say what though. Hahahahaha. But some poor soul got it quite bad. I feel bad. Hahaha. And Savin slipped and fell near the watercooler. HAHA. After all that, i went to study, and as i felt damn bad about what happened, i decided to go to mass. Haha. And now i'm back.

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I'm back. I said i'd upload the photos from the holiday, but i'm too lazy. And i can't remember what i missed out. So here's today. Today is a Tuesday. It ended fast. During assembly, i had to take the attendance. Hope i did it correctly. And during History, my teacher didn't come so this relief teacher came in and she let everyone listen to music ! That was really nice. Had to resist head-banging during class. After school, i rushed doing history homework and rushed over to go for my cca training but found out nobody was going so i skipped class and went to j8 to meet bolby, brendon, gareth, savin, anthony, rachel, jeevan, marianne, linnette ( whom i don't exactly know ) and dirisa ( whom i don't exactly know). We wandered around and eventually went to the library to study. But it was too crowded so we went to the CC. We studied on the floor in this open area, which was difficult. Brendon and Gareth were playing in the playground with some funny device that when Gareth stood at this mic thingy on one side of the playground, Brendon could hear him from some receiver thingy. And they could talk. After that, we moved to some yoga room where there were these hand-held punching bags, and we played soccer with them. We studied bit by bit. After that, one by one all of us went home, and jeevan, savin, bolby, marianne and i went to the interchange where we faced the dilemma of whether or not to go to macs to grab something to eat. In the end, marianne, bolby and i went home. WE SAW THIS STUPID GUY ON THE BUS WHO LOOKED LIKE MR CHAN THE DNT TEACHER. He was littering all over the place. First, he took out bread to eat, and threw the wrapper on the floor. Then he took out a packet of tissue, used the last sheet, and threw both the packet and the tissue on the floor. Then, he took out what appeared to be half of a toothpick, peeled off some of it, stuck it in his mouth, and threw it on the floor again. Inconsiderate bastard. BUT HE REALLY LOOKED LIKE MR CHAN. The hair, the face, the gold watch, bolby and i were like laughing at him. Haha. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Hello. I'm back from Malaysia. A bit difficult to cover 3 days of holiday. But i'll try. Ok here goes. On Friday, i rushed home to get ready for the trip only to find out while doing my business that i forgot to hand a timetable for studying to my form teacher. Luckily she wasn't in school. I've handed up the stupid history assignment and the 2 chem assignments i owe. As for the rest, let's just say i'll hand them up SOON. And i've gotten over the fringe, or rather forgot it was cut by a horrible person. And now i realise i still remember it but i'm not sad, cause it's grown a tiny tiny bit. Yea. So i brought my books hoping to study, but didn't. And i slept in the car for 2+ hours before reaching Malacca, where i stayed for 2 nights. By the time we reached the hotel, it was already near 6, so we went for dinner. I won't tell you what i had cause that's just damn stupid. Then after dinner, we went to this non air-conditioned restaurant thingy where we met my aunts and uncles who were supposed to follow us from Singapore but had to divert to somewhere i don't know, and sat around for coffee. The place sucked as there were flies chasing us around. Oh and we got lost finding the damn place so thats another reason why it sucked so damn bad. After that, we went back to the hotel and rested. Next morning, i woke up when nobody was around as they all went for breakfast. After meeting everyone, we left for a jetty where we took a boat to an island that my uncle wanted to visit. I didn't go there so my parents and i went back in the boat. The water was nice and clear, although when we reached the jetty where we first took the boat, the water was a cement colour. GREYISH BROWN. After that, my parents and i visited this rather famous church for a while to pray before heading back. To where i don't know cause i can't remember. And for today. Went for mass in the morning, and had breakfast after that. The place was super crowded. After that, we went to this place to buy some kueh, where my dad was driving and there was this thing sticking out of a lampost and created a fucking huge scratch+dent on the car. =(((((((((( My heart kinda hurt for the car. After that, we went to eat chendol and came home. AND I COULDN'T FIND AND TSHIRTS TO BUY. Sadly. Another day i'll go and look around somewhere. Haha. As for photos i'll update them another day where i'll try to remember the stuff i missed out for the holiday. OH OH OH. WE WERE ON THE WAY HOME, AND WE DROVE LIKE RIGHT IN FRONT OF A RAINBOW. BUT NO GOLD. HAHA. I'll remember the rest. Hopefully. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Thursday, September 14, 2006
OH MAN FUCKING SHIT. FUCKING SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. MS JACKIE CHENG CAUGHT ME FOR MY FRINGE. AND SHE HAD TO CUT IT. It doesn't look awful, but i feel LIKE A DAMN PART OF ME IS GONE. I AM SO SAD. But thank goodness, it still reaches the end of my nose, cause she only cut the left side. Ok. So here's how i feel today. Depressed. Because:

2) I haven't handed up 3 chemistry assignments.
3) I havent handed up 4 chinese assignments.
4) I need to hand up a damn difficult history assignment tomorrow and i'm not halfway through.
5) I haven't handed up one english assignment.

This sucks. Don't really feel like blogging, although i feel like its really an obligation. Well, i guess it's just another one of those days. But i guess it will grow back after several weeks, although i feel fucking sad about it. That happened this morning at around 11, and im still sad about it nearly 10 hours after it happened. I guess i have to look on the bright side, althought IT IS DAMN FUCKING DIFFICULT.

Maybe if my heart stops beating
It won't hurt this much
And never will I have to answer
Again to anyone

Please don't get me wrong

Because I'll never let this go
But I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you

One day you'll get sick of
saying that everything's alright
And by then I'm sure I'll be pretending
Just like I am tonight

Please don't get me wrong

Because I'll never let this go
But I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you

Let this go, let this go

But I'll never let this go
But I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you

I'll never let this go

I can't find the words to tell you
That now I feel like I don't know you

Dammit. Those lyrics are exactly how i feel today. Because " Maybe if my heart stops beating it won't hurt this much ", and i certainly don't want to let my fringe go. Haha. I don't know if that was a fake laugh, but i feel like shit ! ARGH ! Well, until next time i guess.

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I am back. After a few days. Here's today. I was so damn lucky today because in the morning, Madam Noor was walking around looking for people with long hair, and thank God i didn't get caught. It was one hell of a close shave. And before PE, Ms Cheng was walking around with a comb and scissors, catching those with long har while we waited for our teachers to bring us to the field for soccer. She walked around the area where i was, and caught quite a few of my friends and cut their hair. But damn bloody luckily enough for me, i was not caught. AGAIN. That made it two close shaves for the day. During PE, we found this large, hard, hollow, stupidly decorated ball lying around in the field. We picked up the ball and played soccer with it. The ball was nuts. It was so light then when we placed it on flat ground, it rolled in the direction of the wind. We played soccer with it, and i got hit in the face by Phuay Hao. And then we played volleyball with it. That was fun. As for after school, i went for training, where i sparred with my friend, nearly punching him in the face a few times. Haha. Then our instructor asked us to do 30 crunches and stood on our stomachs after that. Ouch. And then he made us do several push ups. And he made us run round and round the training area, making us change directions whenever he pleased. Tired the shit out of me. After training, i went with my friends to KFC where we sat down for a while to eat. And my friend told us some poem all of a sudden.

I met a man in Madras.
His balls were made of brass.
And when they hit each other,
Sparks flew out his arse.

That was the poem. There were other random retarded riddles. After that, i came home. And i've just finished dinner, so here i am. Concluding. So until next time, here is a video.

something i know you've seen before.

Friday, September 08, 2006
Back. Hate to say this, Brendon, but today WAS retarded. Ok. Here goes. I went to school today for chemistry, where i got Gareth hooked on Queen's Bicycle Race. I WANT TO RIDE MY BICYCLE. Yea. I'll most probably paste the lyrics. After that, he wouldn't stop singing the damn song ! After tuition, i met Phuay Hao at Bishan, where he also agreed that Gareth was singing the damn song the whole time they were out walking around at Orchard Road. After that, went home, and then left home at around 5.30pm+/- for mass, where after that we went to macdonald's to have a really good dinner and laugh at each other, like BT saying that i should order a CORN DIPPERS AND APPLE CUP. After that, we were mixing things up like chicken mcdippers and fish mcnuggets. Yea. And James went nuts asking Mark Abraham questions, where he heard LANDING GEAR as LENDING EARS. Yea. After macdonald's, we went to the new ice-cream shop, where we all got a free cup of ice-cream. After settling down at Coffee Bean, it started to rain, so we headed to the coffee shop to talk nonsense. We ended up playing wierd ice-breaker games amd laughing like shit. Like shit. My stomach still hurts. Yea that was my retarded day. Until next time, here's Bicycle Race by Queen.

Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like

You say black I say white
You say bark I say bite
You say shark I say hey man
Jaws was never my scene
And I don't like Star Wars
You say Rolls I say Royce
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord I say Christ
I don't believe in Peter Pan
Frankenstein or Superman

All I wanna do is
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my
Bicycle races are coming your way
So forget all your duties oh yeah!
Fat bottomed girls
They'll be riding today
So look out for those beauties oh yeah
On your marks get set go
Bicycle race bicycle race bicycle race
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
Bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle
Bicycle race

You say coke I say caine
You say John I say Wayne
Hot dog I say cool it man
I don't wanna be the President of America
You say smile I say cheese
Cartier I say please
Income tax I say Jesus
I don't wanna be a candidate for
Vietnam or Watergate
Cos all I wanna do is

Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Hello everyone, i'm back. After a 3 day confirmation camp. Had a whole lot of fun. On the first day, there were games and stuff. On the second day, i cant remember what we did but at night some people prayed over us. Felt good. Very good. Very very good. And on the last day i also cant remember what happened except that the archbishop came for 5 minutes and blessed us and we read letters which were from our parents and all of us cried. Well most of us. Haha and after that there was mass and we came home. CROCODILE HUNTER PASSED AWAY. DAMN SAD. He was one hell of a brave man. Very brave. He did things many of us would not dare think of. CRIKEY. OH SHE'S GOREGOUS. BEAUTIFUL. Man. Gonna miss seeing him on TV. But i guess it was his time to leave, so yea. But to get killed by a stingray, must have sucked. I thought he got eaten up or badly bitten by a croc, but when i found out it was a stingray, i don't exactly know what was my reaction. Well, i suppose he's gone now, and both his family ( poor wife and yound children) and the world have to get over his death, because one day all of us have to go. Yea. Today i went to the new library at bishan. The selection is still very limited, but the library is very nice. Thats all folks. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Zachary seth.
1.84m :)
saint gabriel's secondary school.
church of st. francis xavier.
black, grey, green, cream.
indie, post-hardcore, bossa nova, jazz, oldies.


marcus lim
phuay hao
rachel thong

May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
July 2007
October 2007