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Thursday, August 31, 2006
Im back. Forgot to blog yesterday. Haha got my cert for the writing competition yesterday. Got a distinction ! Yay ! Haha. The day went on normally, except for the fact that i had to carry all my books home. Shit heavy. Endured the weight. As for today, it was a damn waste of my time going to the CCAB stadium for the teacher's day celebrations, as i was raining very heavily, and still is, and when we tried to enter the gate, it was chained and we had to enter after the chains had been pulled until they'd reached their limit, in order for us to get it. And within, the water was half-way-before-my-knee-deep, and my shoes and feet were soaked. Just washed my shoes.On the way back, the bus was completely full, but i eventually got off in one piece. Thank god. Hope to go to my friend's party at 5. Until next time.

Why do we need this
Who was it that said
That great things come to great men
Well that fucker lied to us
There's nothing here but a wasteland,

But I can still see the graves of the dead
but it's useless
most of us would rather sit
than see this wound
that we have created
Let's not last the night
Let's not last the night

I'm sick and I'm tired of always being the good guy
I'm sick and I'm tired of always being the good guy

Senseless and I'm not sure why
I'm not going to pretend that I know all the answers
Of all of these questions It's got to be good for something
So we'll chalk this up and we'll mount the dead
on the fireplace above right above our guilded heads

I'm sick and I'm tired of always being the good guy
I'm sick and I'm tired of always being the good guy

Like sitting in the back seat (it's all the rage)
and boring me with your body (it's all the rage)
and how many times can I say I'm sorry (it's all the rage)
and really mean it (and really mean it)
and really mean it (and really mean it)
Like sitting in the back seat (it's all the rage)
and boring me with your body (it's all the rage)
and how many times can I say I'm sorry (it's all the rage)
and really mean it (and really mean it)
and really mean it (and really mean it)
and really mean it


Why do we need this
Who was it that said
That great things come to great men
Well that fucker lied to us
There's nothing here but a wasteland
There's nothing here

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Im back, after not blogging for a few days. I'm covering Sunday, Monday and today. Yea. On Sunday, went to church as usual and later went to Boon for jamming with Pattrick's band. It was really fun. Jamming is always fun. Yea. And they played indie songs. The Eros. Fancy band name. And i got to play with the drums so i was even happier. And my ears were not as bad as on Saturday, where i was 3-quarters deaf. Sunday was easier on my ears, which could have been because i'm getting used to it. Afer jamming, went home and the day was wasted away. As for Monday, nothing much happened. Nothing eventful. Normal day, only that i went to my aunt's house after a lifetime and play dota, which was a blast. That was the only thing. And as for today, was asked to go up and collect some cert for an australian writing competition, but was told that the presentation would be tomorrow, and all of us got played out. I'll blog about that tomorrow. Yea. Took my e-math and history tests today. I managed to write the last line for history right on time, and i don't know how i'm going to do. As for e-math, i did the graphical question and a few others, and now i'm hoping i'll pass. And i missed my POA Re-Test, so i'm hoping i can do it tomorrow. That was today. Slightly screwed up but manageable. Until next time, here's a video.

something i know you've seen before.

Saturday, August 26, 2006
Today was a blast. I woke up for tuition, and after that headed down to LITTLE INDIA to watch my friends jam. Watch. And be a sound man. Haha. It was really fun. The room was really nice, and the studio interior was like a house, with wooden flooring and rugs. Great atmosphere. And the room was definitely bigger than the accursed Wee Lee music centre. The drums set was great. Instead of a double pedal, there were 2 bass drums. But the high hat was kinda cracked and slightly broken. But the sound was still nice. After staying in that room for more than 45 minutes without leaving, i felt a three-quarter deaf person. I couldn't hear shit. And when i reached home, all i heard was not silence, but a non-stop screeching sound. NON-STOP. Haha. But it's gone now. Played the drums for a while too. Felt great. Yea. Jamming is fun. Hope to go again tomorrow. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

something i know you've seen before.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Back again. I was just going to say 'yesterday was retarded', but i guess i should use something else since brendon thinks my everyday is retarded. I live in Serangoon Gardens, and not the Buangkok HOLIDAY RESORT. Yea. Yesterday was fun, cause i went to church and skated after that. I fell twice. No injuries. Although i attempted a trick, and the deck hit a mercedes. Nice. Went home at around 3, and later on went to the airport to send my cousin off, who is going to the states to study for 5 years. After that, had a really late dinner at Siglap, where on the way, i saw TWO LAMBORGHINIS. SHIT. Nevermind if you dont know what car that is. Just be jealous. Today, we took photos during dnt, and our teacher didn't give a damn. And Lucien's phone got confiscated, although i was sitting next to him and i was also smsing i didnt get caught. He got scared shitless. But eventually got the phone back. Bought 2 Shakespeare books, Macbeth and Julius Caesar for a buck, and got 5 bookmarks and a comprehension and composition assessment book for free. On the road the nerdiness. But well, they were cheap, and the assessment book was free. And had lunch with 3 other friends, ended up laughing about Art Attack. The show, of course. Tempted to say 'that was retarded', but for the benefit of brendon, i'll call it really crazy. That's about it. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Friday, August 18, 2006
Today was retarded. Damn retarded. Haha. School went on normally, only that we played uno stacko with these thin and small wooden blocks during dnt. Haha. After school was retared. More retarded than usual. My friends and i went to jam, where i saw them play for the first time. Not bad. Not bad at all. Before we went into the room, the guy working there was like," you don't go into the room ah, or i will take your permit." HAHA WHAT PERMIT, FOOL ? Haha. Then, as we were playing, my friend, the vocalist, was adjusting the mic and this damn loud piercing sound came out. And it happened quite a few times. Haha. So we were playing loud music, and there were irrannoyingly loud mic sounds, and the damn loud cymbals. Haha the man there, the owner, i think, complained WE WERE PLAYING TOO FAST. And of course he did not like the mic sounds. Eventually, after a while, he asked us to leave. AND WE DID NOT EVEN JAM FOR AN HOUR WHEN WE WERE SUPPOSED TO JAM FOR TWO ! Haha. And so my friends were arguing with the man, and my friend asked for a refund. And the man was like," Give me your IC first." Like whathehell man. Why is there a need for ICs ? Just show me the money ! In the end, after paying 13 bucks to jam, we were refunded 15 BUCKS. Haha. Went home and then to tuition. That was my day. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Today was so damn fun. We had PE, where we played soccer and my shoes kept flying off every time i shot. That sucked. Then, we had to leave the class at 12, skipping POA ( oh yes yes yes ) and one period of history. We were receiving a certificate for doing this national youth achievement award thing. And a guest of honour came to gove us the certs. And she was EUNICE OLSEN DAMMIT. WOW. Haha. SHOOK HER HAND. She had perfume on her hand. Wierd but true. After that, everyone was smelling their right hands. Hahaha. And that went on for quite some time. After that, there was a reception where there was a whole lot of food. FOOD. After eating, i went home. And went for mass just now. Yea. That was today.

It was yesterday you told me you loved me,
But today I learned you found someone else
and everything was fake.
When I get back home I know that you'll be gone.
And all the things I've given you are left behind; I'll put them in a box.
And today I found out you moved in with him.
A one-bedroom apartment down the road
from the place we first met.
When I get back home I know that you'll be gone.
With all the memories of me you had locked here in this box.

And I'll start to think of everything we had.
I was always there for you
I asked for nothing in return I swear.
I'll believe,
you'll make you see.
You were there with someone else.
See my pain, I'll believe
you were there with him.
I don't want to see your face again, not like this.
I don't have to see you in this place.

I don't want to see your face again. (face again)
I will not be ashamed not now.
This time I won't be ashamed of it.
This time I won't make it change myself.
This time I will make myself believe.
My heart,
it won't break this time,
won't be left behind,
I won't be so shy; I won't let you win this time.

Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Sunday, August 13, 2006
At mass today, we were told not to call people names like botak and stupid. Wow. After that, we were told that somebody played a prank ok the neighbour's houses by pressing the doorbell and running away. Haha that person is one of my friends but i dont know who. He got caught. Or he owned up. I cant remember. Haha and we found out that someone made a mess out of the toilet. I dont know who did that either. My friends went in and there was toilet paper all over and it smelled like shit. Yea. Enough of that. After church, we walked down to macdonalds for lunch, where we spent something like 3 hours or more just talking nonsense and playing games on our handphones. Wasted time. After that i came home. Dragged my lazy ass home and finally decided to post. As lazy as i was. And i'll be going for dinner soon. Yea. So i leave you with a video. Whoever is there to watch it.

something i know you've seen before.

Sunday, August 06, 2006
Ok. I'm back. Today was retarded, cause after church, we had lunch, and decided to go to my friend's place. We ended up skating at the park near his place where i fell along the main road while doing a MANUAL. I hurt my ankle, have little holes in my palms, and the left side of my hip hurts like shit. But well, doesn't matter. I guess. Haha. We watched half of The Omen, well, i think we watched half. Not as scary as i thought it would be. Maybe that was because we were not even concentrating on the movie. MINI PILLOW FIGHTS ! Yea. And i wedgied my friend. We kinda moshed. Or sparred. I dont know. Hope to finish The Omen soon. There was this one part, a lady ran through a window, a noose around her neck. Yea. She hung herself. Shit scary. The lady was dressed like in Ju-On too. Even nicer. I had bread with nutella for dinner. Nutella, my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Haha. I leave you with this, takes some time to figure out. Read it slowly, or break the words down to understand them. Here goes:

The top 10 unintentionally worst company URLs ( Please, FOR GOODNESS' SAKE. DON'T CLICK ON THE LINKS. YOU MUST BE DAMN DUMB TO DO THAT.)

1. A site called Who Represents, where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name? wait for it? is

2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at

3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at

4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at

5. Then of course, the Italian Power Generator company.

6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales: www.molestationnursery.com

7. If you're looking for computer software, there's always

8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is www.cummingfirst.com

9. Then, of course, there's these brainless art designers, and their whacky website: www.speedofart.com

10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at

Haha. Take your time. Takes time to figure them out. But for SOME of you, i don't think that is necessary. Well, until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

something i know you've seen before.

Zachary seth.
1.84m :)
saint gabriel's secondary school.
church of st. francis xavier.
black, grey, green, cream.
indie, post-hardcore, bossa nova, jazz, oldies.


marcus lim
phuay hao
rachel thong

May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
July 2007
October 2007