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Monday, July 31, 2006
I'm back again. Today was ok, only that it rained in the morning. The bus ride to school was retarded, cause there's this guy from my school and he takes the same bus as i do. Every damn time, i'm always ringing the damn bell. Today, i purposely didn't ring it. HAHAHAHAHA damn bad, but i don't want to be taken advantage of. So i didn't ring it. He didn't realise that the bus was leaving, and after a while, he WOKE UP and pressed the bell. I got off too. Hahaha. I don't know if i'll ring the bell tomorrow. I'M SO HAPPY. During the oral exam on Saturday, i was a timekeeper. So i had to timekeep for this group of guys from my class, while they read the passage and looked at the picture for 10 minutes. Haha i helped all in my group, except one assclown whom i hate. I helped them with the picture and stuff. Then it came to my turn. After it was over, i thought i didn't do well, cause i made a couple of mistakes along the way, minor or major i don't know. When the results came back, i was shocked. I GOT FULL MARKS DAMMIT. WOW. Not bragging, but this IS a diary and i suppose its a must that i write this. I passed history too ! YAY ! Haha. I'm still in disbelief. And my class went to Bradell Heights CC today, for social studies. Haha i found out that we have spies working with the government. Whoa. They don't have names, well, when working, they only use a serial number as their name. Imagine this:

2375946: Good morning there, 7643761, having lunch later ?

7643761: Hello 2375946. I guess we can have lunch.

That's some sick shit. But i guess when they are not working we dont have to call them by their serial numbers. Imagine this:

2375946: Hi, 3587642. I'm collecting particulars here. What's your home number ?

3587642: What ? Oh. 3587642.

2375946: No, thats your serial number. I want your contact number.

3587642: Oh. That would be 65492842.

2395946: You're looking for 65492842 ? He's at the gent's.

3587642: No. 65492842 is my contact number.


2395946: Ok. Huh ? Whaaaaa ? What's your contact number again ?

HAHAHAHA. A bit long, but i think it happens. Maybe, maybe not. But it's super cool to be called by number. I don't know why. It's so MIB. I bet they dress up like MIB too. Hahaha. I had bak chor mee for lunch, and i'm moving on to the in-between-meals meal. Something like that. Yea. For the moment, i'm blogging, listening to music, and lying to myself that there's no homework. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Today started out funny cause as i was walking in the carpark on the way to school, i had this funny feeling of someone following me and i felt all cold and the hair on the back of my neck was standing. Haha. Seventh month syndrome. Also had my math test today, although i dont know the outcome. But I PASSED MY POA ! YES ! Luckily i passed anyway because if i didnt, my badge would have been confiscated. And im currently cramming my project, although we thought we had finished, we still had a ton to do. But we will pull through. And i did another kind act today. I think. Haha i lent Brendon my flexicurve and saved his ass, although i think he may have done fine without it. Haha.

Blame it on the weather, but i'm a mess
and this february darkness has me hating everyone
and i know i need your comfort, but this drama makes me sick
and the longer i lay here, i know it's harder to get up
without you

lose another day here
lose another year here
i'm with you

Finally, something out there, that's making sense
and it's just another trend carefully hidden in your dress
and this cycles never ending, and this fashions overdone
and the further that i run away, the further i'll come back
to shelter...

lose another day here
lose another year here
i'm with you

you are the fire, on my apartment floor
sixteen stories, i'd rather burn then fall
and it isn't fate, that took us all by storm
it's just the turn of a card

lose another day here
lose another year here
i'm with you

you are the fire, on my apartment floor
sixteen stories, i'd rather burn then fall
and it isn't fate, that took us all by storm
it's just the turn of a card

goodbye old friend
goodbye goodnight
i'll move on
you'll call it fate, i'll call it karma
we had our time, it was fun
while it lasted

i'll look back, with honor
and no regrets
i won't be mad, won't feel bad
these memories will never leave me
don't be sad
cause life goes on, life goes on
it's getting too late
tomorrow is here

something i know you've seen before.

Monday, July 24, 2006
I'm back. I hate mondays, but luckily, its already over. Had to eat some NUTELLA before blogging. That miracle in a bottle/dark brown gold/hazelnut cream+skimmed milk+chocolate killer combo is a piece of heaven. I guess i thought it would get my brain juices flowing. I guess it didn't work. Heard this song by blink the other day, and the only thing i remember about the song was Mark singing," Fuck a dog in the ass." Well, i think he sang that. Great song though. Did a kind act today ! Felt so good. Even though the act was damn small, it kinda makes your day. It works, and works especially well on mondays. For those of you who wanna know what i did, it's really nothing much. Just gave up my seat in the bus for this old man carrying loads of stuff. All those selfish faggatrons didn't move a millimeter. Haha. I'm not boasting about what i did, but this is sort of a journal, so i guess it's a must to put this down, especially if it makes a difference to an otherwise terrible day (not that anything bad happened, it's just monday, and mondays are supposed to be bad). And i passed this taoist or buddhist tent/assembled shelter thingy today on the way home. 7th month's coming ! The religious ornaments under the shelter looked rather mysterious, especially the huge diety, most likely made of paper, with the face covered in what seemed like a paper shroud. Oooooooo. Haha. There were also those big decorated candles. Yea. That wasn't relevant to anything but who cares, cause this is Singapore and we witness all these things. Which are interesting. Went to this career seminar thing on saturday, it was fun. We took a test the other day, to see what kinda 'personality trait' we have, and they can sort of determine what kinda job would suit us. I can be in public relations or a politician or a marketing services person. Wow. Those 3 are the better jobs of the rest, which i don't think i would like to list out. One of them is advertising though. Haha. On sunday our catechism teachers brought us out to chua chu kang cemetry, and later st. joseph's church. Keith, Michael and i had a great time reading the chinese characters on the life-sized stations of the cross, which were writen backwards. Haha. Instead of," Jesus falls the second time", the chinese words read," second time Jesus falls". Haha. Like yoda language. Keith came up with the theory that the scribers or whatever you call them, those who write the stuff on the marble slabs, which were attatched to the elevated platform where the statues were, wrote the stations of the cross in english first, progressing station by station. And when they were done, they had write the chinese words,from the 14th station to the 1st, which was why they appeared backwards. Hahahahahahaha. But at some of the stations we were like," oh shit i can't read the first word", or "oh shit i can't read the second character", so we skipped a few stations. Haha. Well, that's about it. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
It's been very long. I've just realised that my blog skin is rather vulgar and dull. But it's fun. Had my SLC investiture today. Started off rather bumpy, but it went smoothly around the middle. I THINK so. But it was very fun. Made new friends. :) Parents aren't at home, and the house would be very very quiet, if not for music. I'm very bored. I wanna watch Nacho Libre ! Looks like hilarious show. Ok i'm blabbering nonsense. Don't know what to type !

Well is it true what they say about it
They say it's new but I have to doubt it
And then they tell you everything about it
Had enough

I got some people saying this way
I got some people saying that way
I got some people saying there's no way
Ain't it tough

See the idiot walk
See the idiot talk
See the idiot chalk up his name on the blackboard
See the robot walk
See the robot talk
See the robot write up his name on the ballot
They say this is all I need to get by
The truth is baby it's a lie

Well is it true what they say about it
You oughtta do what I do and doubt it
He won and now he's gonna do something about it
Ain't it sad

And if you don't wanna feel like a putz
Collect the clues and connect the dots
You'll see the pattern that is bursting your bubble
And it's Bad

See the idiot walk
See the idiot talk
See the idiot chalk up his name on the blackboard
They say this is all I need to get by
The truth is baby it's a lie

If we review the winning combination
Body at work and a mind on vacation
Who had the brain where it started to sink in
It was you

You've seen the idiot walk
See the idiot talk
But you never learned nothing and nothing isn't over
See the robot walk
See the robot talk
Still you never learned nothing and nothing isn't over
They say this is all I need to get by
The truth is baby it's a lie.

These are the lyrics from a song entitled "walk idiot walk". As i said, i was bored.Haha. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Doesnt everybody love Dilbert ? Will you restless visitors and wandering spirits please take the time to read this corporate company comic shit. And laugh. Please.OH MAN I HATE ITALY ! PLAY LIKE SHIT ALSO CAN WIN ! LIKE WATCHING S-LEAGUE MATCH ! But i dont care lar, just lost money. Anyway, how fun do you want my blog to be ? You go create a blog YOURSELF and then we'll see if its boring or not. Nag nag nag. Be patient man. I tried embedding a billiards game, but too bad, that wasnt possible. Gonna upload videos soon, although i dont know what to upload. We'll see. Until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Saturday, July 08, 2006
Haha i know everybody, that i dont post often. I either forget or i cant be bothered to type so much. Haha. I also need to know how to do links, so i can link as many of you as i can. I know nuts about this rubbish. And Brendon..how fun or super exciting can a blog get ? just a bunch of words and sometimes photos. Haha. Thanks for the feedback anyway. And yes dex, whoever you are, supposedlly Dexter, i'll try to update more often. If i can. If you'll be visiting very frequently. I'll try to improve this blog. More crap coming soon, hopefully, if i can finally figure out how to incorporate new stuff here. Dammit i'm answering all your questions in this post like i'm in a press conference. What a waste. Haha. I'm gonna figure out what new stuff to add now, so until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Sunday, July 02, 2006
Some of you have seen this one before, me and marilyn monroe.
The Venetian Hotel at Vegas.

Grand Canyon !

I'm back after ages again. Came back from holiday ages ago too. America was a dream come true for me. Although it was terribly hot, i still enjoyed the dry, non-humid heat. Vegas was fabulous at night, with the never-ending skyline, extending to the night horizon. LA was nice in the day, as the weather was just great. America's unforgettible. Hope i can go there again. All you people out there, GO TO AMERICA. Ok enough of that. School's opened and everything is going fine. BRAZIL'S OUT OF THE WORLD CUP ! how the heck can that happen !? Well, there's always 2010. I looked at the sun today, thinking when it would burn out, when this world will be shrouded in darkness after the last 8 minutes of light has finished, how we will be slowly but surely freeze-dried. I'm morbid. But that would be scary. Treasure what you have, cause you never know when it's gone. Yea that makes the most sense of what morbid comments i've said. Tomorrow's a holiday, so i'm just gonna continue doing nothing. Nothing left to say, so until next time.

something i know you've seen before.

Zachary seth.
1.84m :)
saint gabriel's secondary school.
church of st. francis xavier.
black, grey, green, cream.
indie, post-hardcore, bossa nova, jazz, oldies.


marcus lim
phuay hao
rachel thong

May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
July 2007
October 2007